They say the purpouse of life is to be happy. After so many year spent looking, seaking, thinking I finally found myself and what makes me feel that way. The only problem is…its not so easy to achieve that.
Lets take a look when and how it all started. I will be completely honest with you if I say I never though Im gonna live this kind of life and see what Ive seen.
My photography interest started groving together with the travel passion hand in hand. Focus mainly on nature photography slowly evolved and moved to start shooting pics for people, which was honestly a different experience. At the end of the day the only thing I really regret is that I didnt start way earlier but there is nothin that can be undone. Nevertheless I can only be greatfull and carry on doing what makes me happy.
On the map below you will be able to see what progress I made when exploring the world.
The very first journey started back in 2014 when I decided to go to Australia, kinda find out if Im capable to survive alone elswhere, far away from home. And surprisingly it did pan out. Eventually it gave me so many experiences and gain more courage than I expected.
New Zealand followed, which was a real paradise for me, India where I almost died and basically ended up being healthy addicted to travelling. The more I saw the more I wanted to see. Thats what keeps me running. Just not sure whether one life is enough for this.
To read more about each county I visited please click on the country in the map above.